When transporting alcohol, it is important to understand what can negatively affect your collection. You need to take care of the integrity of the bottles and make sure that the move does not spoil the drink. Humidity, temperature, and exposure to sunlight can change the chemical composition of wine, and, therefore, its taste.

There are also legal restrictions by state that regulate the import and movement of alcohol. Therefore, before transportation of wine, you should check your local laws.

Tips From Wine Movers by Packaging and Transportation 

Your task is to focus all attention on the correct packaging of the collection. It is necessary to consider that moving wine implies the transportation of specific cargo. You can’t just put bottles in boxes, load them into a car, and transport them like a regular water container.

Here are some tips to follow so that the move does not affect the taste of the wine:

  1. Use special wine packing boxes with foam or cardboard inserts. 
  2. Pack bottles either upside down or on their sides (corks should remain moist). 
  3. Label boxes, indicating which side should remain upright. 
  4. Put a “fragile” sign on boxes, so they will be handled more carefully.
  5. Use a constant temperature of 55 degrees for moving wine.
  6. After the move, let the bottles stand for 7 days: early opening may affect the taste of your wine.

For the transportation of wine, it is better to hire experienced movers that will help you at all steps of your travel.

Wine Collection: Valuation and Insurance

Be sure to estimate your wine before you pack and move it. Such evaluation will give you an idea of how to transport your collection. You may want to insure your moving wine so that you can receive the full value of your claim in the event of damage during transportation.

Peculiarities of Moving Wine

You already know some nuances of packaging and may even have taken out an insurance policy for your collection. Now you have a choice to make: transport wine yourself or use third-party services.

Independent Transportation

It is recommended to move a small collection by car, where it is possible to regulate the temperature. A climate-controlled van can be used to transport a very large or rare collection.

Moving Wine by Transportation Company

In many transportation companies, moving wine is not included in the list of essential services. Such transportation is possible only in some cases:

If your wine is valuable, and you want to use the services of a transportation company, be sure to make an inventory of your entire collection.

Use the Services Of Moving Wine Specialists

If you want your wine to be transported correctly, contact an organization that does it professionally. It is the best choice if you have a large and valuable collection and if you are moving a long distance.

Shark Moving Company has a long history of providing services in the transportation of specific goods, including alcohol. We can assist in moving and storing your collection, ensuring its integrity and safety.

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